Based on current market condition you can always update current product price and product cost in Odoo.
How to Show/ Hide products in Odoo purchase process
You can restrict products from appearing in purchase process. When you are making product inhouse and selling them and dont involve purchase process to it. Please follow the navigation Purchase>> Product>>Products- uncheck can be purchased checkbox for...
How to change costing method in Odoo
Change product costing method is essentials based on your type of business. Different industries follow different methods for ascertaining cost of their products. The method options available in Odoo are 1. Standard price(Manually inputed value in the cost field) 2....
How to set up supply chain information for products in Odoo
In some organization the system is set up such that make to order creates a Draft manufacturing order with sale order quantity, this particularly helps the system to know the product requested by customer has to be manufactured with available resources. At times there...
Creating suppliers in odoo
Most of the time we manage our procurement by means of a formal contract, but this is not followed all the time. To make sure a good contract is reached with a great vendor, organization has to put efforts to know a set of vendors who can provide the required set of...
Creating supplier level delivery lead time in Odoo
As with the different suppliers we have different delivery lead time we have the flexibility to update supplier dlivery lead timefor each product. This helps user to know approximate date of delivery. In Odoo you can do this from following navigation Purchase>>...