Calling a Odoo 18 Wizard from a Menu

Calling a Odoo 18 Wizard from a Menu

What is an Odoo Wizard? A wizard in Odoo is a popup window primarily used to perform user-defined actions. It operates using a Transient Model, which means the data it handles is stored temporarily and is automatically deleted from the database at regular intervals....

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How to create Sales teams and team leads in Odoo

How to create Sales teams and team leads in Odoo

When there are different kind of channels for sales such as Direct, website e-store etc. Sales team also can be re-ordered to required needs. Sales global can look for sales happening from different geographic location spread across the world. This feature in Odoo...

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How to create products in Odoo for Sales process

How to create products in Odoo for Sales process

Create products by following the below navigation from Sales menu go to Products sub menu. From Products sub menu access All products and create your product from here. Update product name, product type, Unit of Measure etc. If you are Selling the product to customers...

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