Define Access Rights for the Model
In your Odoo custom module, create a security folder and add a file named ir.model.access.csv. This file is required to manage access rights for the…

In your Odoo custom module, create a security folder and add a file named ir.model.access.csv. This file is required to manage access rights for the model.

Structure of ir.model.access.csv

  • id: A unique identifier for the access record.
  • name: A descriptive name for the access record.
  • model_id:id: The technical name of the model for which access rights are being defined.
  • group_id:id (optional): The group to which access is granted. Leave this field empty to provide access to all groups.
  • perm_read, perm_write, perm_create, perm_unlink: Permissions for Read, Write, Create, and Delete operations, represented as 1 (enabled) or 0 (disabled).

Example ir.model.access.csv File


access_sale_order_discount_wizard,Sale Order Discount Wizard,model_sale_order_discount_wizard,,1,1,1,1

Explanation of the Example

  1. id: access_sale_order_discount_wizard – A unique identifier for this access control record.
  2. name: Sale Order Discount Wizard – The name of the access control record.
  3. model_id:id: model_sale_order_discount_wizard – The technical model name for which the access control is applied.
  4. group_id:id: Left empty to allow access to all groups.
  5. perm_read, perm_write, perm_create, perm_unlink: All permissions are set to 1 (enabled), meaning users have full access to this model.

Steps to Apply Access Rights

  1. Create a security folder in your module if it doesn’t already exist.
  2. Add the ir.model.access.csv file with the appropriate content as shown above.

Update the file to include the security file under the data key:

‘data’: [

Upgrade your module to apply the changes:

./odoo-bin -u <module_name>

This ensures your model has the proper access rights configured in Odoo.