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Angular NgRx Introduction
NgRx used for developing reactive angular applications. @ngrx/store is used to store the data in a container and dispatch it using the set of predefined actions. It will be very useful while developing huge applications which consists of many components and services....
Components Interactions Using Input and Output Decorators in Angular
You can refer the example here:https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-pvfb46 Step 1:Let us start by creating an angular applicationInstall the angular/cli globally in your systemFor this runnpm i -g @angular/cli This command installs angular cli globally After executing...
Understand Web Development in Less than 1 Hour
This article explains what web development is, by exploring how it started and how it evolved. This is not an exact chronicle of the web’s evolution, but focuses more on what the needs for this evolution were, so we can understand the technology. It all started with...
Authentication using JWT from ReactJS Single Page Application (SPA) to NodeJS/Express
In this tutorial we'll cover how to implement secure JWT authentication from ReactJS frontend with NodeJS/Express backend. As you are aware, JSON Web Tokens are an open, industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties Before we...
Implement Reset Password functionality in Node.js/ Express
Forgot password is basic functionality which all web/mobile applications has it. In this article we are going to show how to implement this in Node.js express framework.
Create Magento 2 custom Module
Magento 2 Custom Module Development This is first of our series for the Magento 2 Articles. In this we will see how we can create basic Magento 2 module and in our next series we will see more advanced topics such as how to create a new backend Grid and how the...