Angular NgRx Testing

Angular NgRx Testing

Import the StoreModule.forRoot in the TestBed configuration when testing components or services that inject store. Reducing state is synchronous, so mocking out the store isn't required. You can refer the example...

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Angular Lifecycle Hooks

Angular Lifecycle Hooks

Angular allows us to trigger the actions at the specific point in the lifecycle of our components. Whenever data bound input property value changes occur or any view render or any component created or destroyed the lifecycle hooks will be called. So any operations...

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Running code inside or outside Angular zone.js

Running code inside or outside Angular zone.js

The automatic change detection made on UI components by asynchronous operations like http requests which are taking more time to receive the response from backend or timers(setTimeout() or setInterval()) loops etc are handled by zone.js. NgZone is a wrapper around...

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Angular NgRx Introduction

Angular NgRx Introduction

NgRx used for developing reactive angular applications. @ngrx/store is used to store the data in a container and dispatch it using the set of predefined actions. It will be very useful while developing huge applications which consists of many components and services....

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