Restrict Liferay Theme scope to a Site/Community
Domain: Liferay Version: 6.1.2 CE Module: Liferay Themes In Liferay we can deploy any number of themes to and those are available to all the…

Domain: Liferay

Version: 6.1.2 CE

Module: Liferay Themes

In Liferay we can deploy any number of themes to and those are available to all the Sites and Organizations. Sometimes we want to develop/deploy theme to certain Sites/Community pages. By out of the box Liferay doesn’t provide this feature but with little additional configuration to theme xml file (liferay-look-and-feel.xml). When building Lifeay we need to add below snippet to the Liferay-look-and-feel.xml file.

<group-id name="123456"/>
<theme id="ktree_bootstrap" name="KTree Bootstrap">
<layout-template id="one_row_bootstrap" name="One Row Bootstrap Layout">
<template-path>/layouttpl/custom/one-row-bootstrap- layouttpl/one_row_bootstrap.tpl</template-path>
<wap-template-path>/layouttpl/custom/one-row-bootstrap- layouttpl/one_row_bootstrap.tpl</wap-template-path>
<thumbnail-path>/layouttpl/custom/one-row-bootstrap- layouttpl/one_row_bootstrap.png</thumbnail-path>
<layout-template id="one_two_3_9_column_bootstrap" name="1-2 (3/9span) Column Bootstrap Layout">
<template-path>/layouttpl/custom/one-two-3-9-column-bootstrap- layouttpl/one_two_3_9_column_bootstrap.tpl</template-path>
<wap-template-path>/layouttpl/custom/one-two-3-9-column-bootstrap- layouttpl/one_two_3_9_column_bootstrap.tpl</wap-template-path>
<thumbnail-path>/layouttpl/custom/one-two-3-9-column-bootstrap- layouttpl/one_two_3_9_column_bootstrap.png</thumbnail-path>

That’s it, now your theme would be visible to only specified group as mentioned in tag. Similarly we can configure to visible theme to particular roles with the given scope.