The main Aim of this project to process Raw CSV data from different suppliers, in to clients products master database and fetching products from opensource catalogues too (like ICECAT.). to same table. once data is collected to product Master, we will sync all products information to e Commerce Application where he can sell products.
Business challenges
- Get product CSV files from different suppliers through FTP connection and save to local system for further processing of data.
- Import/Export database table to CSV and from CSV to database if any edits performed.
- Maintain same product information from different sellers with different prices.
- Pulling ICECAT (Open Source products catalogue) Catalogue data and sync with e Commerce Application.
- Designed Common schema in database which can hold data/fields from different suppliers.
- Apply discount rules on products while inserting in to database.
- Sync ICECAT products Attributes and Attribute sets to e-Commerce Application.
- Sync ICECat and Supplier Product Categories with e-Commerce Product Categories.

- Implemented talend job which gets all Product CSV files to our local system from FTP.
- Implemented Separate jobs to process each supplier data and inserting in to database table called supplier master.
- Another Job will perform sync operation from supplier Master to orphan table by applying some rules. (taking least cost price products among various suppliers)
- Well defined Log mechanism and error handling.
- Later a job will perform calculation operations on orphan table and insert calculated information in to main table (product Master table) which Contains processed information with all rules.
- So main table contains different information from all suppliers.
- Implemented table truncation jobs from talend.
- Implemented Job which fetches and validates ICECAT data like manufacturer part, product name, cost price, EAN etc…and syncs data to respective MySQL tables.
- Implemented talend job which fetches product id, attributes, attribute sets, manufacturer etc data from product tables and creates/updates the products in e-commerce site using SOAP create/update methods.
- Implemented Talend job which fetches supplier and icecat data from product tables, sync them to e-commerce using the category id and website Id
- Triggering mails when ever issues encountered in talend jobs.

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KTree delivers high-quality applications that meet our clients' needs, by prioritizing collaboration, communication, visibility, traceability, and requirements engineering. While we charge a little premium for our services, we believe that it is important to provide the necessary resources and expertise to ensure project success.
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The success mantra of KTree as a respected web development company is combining Agile methodology with strong documentation, powerful web and mobile frameworks, and a solid KTree team to deliver great web and mobile applications within a specified timeframe.
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KTree's tremendous knowledge and expertise, gained from working on hundreds of web and mobile application projects, gives us a significant advantage that allows us to provide a head-start on projects, saving our clients many man-months.
What Development methodology KTree follows and why?
KTree's development team follows the Scrum framework of the Agile methodology, which improves Agility through its simplicity and flexibility. This allows us to adapt to changing project requirements and deliver high-quality products within the specified timeframe.
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