There are few scenarios that you might want to modify the JSPs to override which are no longer in Liferay’s core and you can do core JSP customizations to a specific site.



As you can see, the above screen represents before you begin crafting a module to override core JSPs.

In the below example you can restrict global vocabularies and categories with in site scope and it was achieved by implementing hook in Liferay 7 environment.

If you’re overriding,


put the overridden JSP in this folder of your module: to achieve it.

long[] groupIds = (long[])request.getAttribute("liferay-ui:asset-categories-selector:groupIds");
if (ArrayUtil.isEmpty(groupIds)) {
groupIds = PortalUtil.getCurrentAndAncestorSiteGroupIds(scopeGroupId);
else {
groupIds = PortalUtil.getCurrentAndAncestorSiteGroupIds(groupIds);
long grpId = GetterUtil.getLong(PropsUtil.get("extranet.groupid"));
long globalGrpId = GetterUtil.getLong(PropsUtil.get("global.groupid"));
groupIds = ArrayUtil.remove(groupIds, globalGrpId);
List<AssetVocabulary> vocabularies = AssetVocabularyServiceUtil.getGroupVocabularies(groupIds);
<aui:script use="liferay-asset-categories-selector">
new Liferay.AssetCategoriesSelector(
className: ‘<%= className %>’,
contentBox: ‘#<%= namespace + randomNamespace %>assetCategoriesSelector_<%= vocabulary.getVocabularyId() %>’,
curEntries: ‘<%= HtmlUtil.escapeJS(categoryIdsTitles[1]) %>’,
curEntryIds: ‘<%= categoryIdsTitles[0] %>’,
hiddenInput: ‘#<%= namespace + hiddenInput + StringPool.UNDERLINE + vocabulary.getVocabularyId() %>’,
instanceVar: ‘<%= namespace + randomNamespace %>’,
labelNode: ‘#<%= namespace %>assetCategoriesLabel_<%= vocabulary.getVocabularyId() %>’,
maxEntries: <%= maxEntries %>,
moreResultsLabel: ‘<%= UnicodeLanguageUtil.get(resourceBundle, "load-more-results") %>’,
portalModelResource: <%= Validator.isNotNull(className) && (ResourceActionsUtil.isPortalModelResource(className) || className.equals(Group.class.getName())) %>,
singleSelect: <%= !vocabulary.isMultiValued() %>,
title: ‘<%= UnicodeLanguageUtil.format(request, "select-x", vocabulary.getTitle(locale), false) %>’,
vocabularyGroupIds: ‘<%= StringUtil.merge(groupIds) %>’,
vocabularyIds: ‘<%= String.valueOf(vocabulary.getVocabularyId()) %>’

You should see the below screen once you have modify the JSPs.