Integrating GraphQL with React using AWS AppSync
In this comprehensive tutorial, we'll explore the process of integrating a GraphQL API with a React.js application using AWS AppSync. GraphQL is a powerful query…


In this comprehensive tutorial, we’ll explore the process of integrating a GraphQL API with a React.js application using AWS AppSync. GraphQL is a powerful query language that allows clients to request only the data they need, while AWS AppSync provides a managed GraphQL service, making it easy to build scalable and real-time applications. By combining these technologies with React.js, we can create efficient and flexible web applications. This guide is suitable for beginners, providing step-by-step instructions and explanations.


Before starting, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js 
  • npm (version 6 or higher)
  • A code editor (e.g., Visual Studio Code)

Setting Up the React Project:

Create a new React project using create-react-app:

  • npx create-react-app graphql-react-app
  • cd graphql-react-app
  • npm start

Introduction to GraphQL:

GraphQL is a query language and runtime for APIs developed by Facebook. It offers a flexible and efficient way to request and manipulate data, allowing clients to fetch only the data they need. Key concepts of GraphQL include:

  • Queries: For requesting data from a GraphQL API.
  • Mutations: For modifying data in the GraphQL API.
  • Schema: Defines the types and structure of the data that can be queried or mutated.
  • Resolvers: Functions that handle data fetching or modification for each field in the schema

Adding AWS AppSync to Your React App:

Install required packages:

npm install aws-appsync graphql-tag react-apollo

Create an instance of the AWS AppSync client:

Create a file named AppSyncClient.js:

import { Auth } from ‘aws-amplify’;
import AWSAppSyncClient from ‘aws-appsync’;
import AwsConfig from ‘../Config/AwsConfig’;

const AppSyncClient = new AWSAppSyncClient({
  url: AwsConfig.aws_appsync_graphqlEndpoint,
  region: AwsConfig.aws_appsync_region,
  auth: {
    type: AwsConfig.aws_appsync_authenticationType,
    jwtToken: async () => (await Auth.currentSession()).getAccessToken().getJwtToken(),

export default AppSyncClient;

Create a configuration file (AwsConfig.js) containing AWS AppSync configuration:

"aws_appsync_graphqlEndpoint": "https://your-endpoint/graphql",
"aws_appsync_region": "your-region",
"aws_appsync_authenticationType": "your-authentication-type"

Replace placeholders with actual values for the GraphQL endpoint, region, and authentication type.

Fetching Data with GraphQL Queries:

Define GraphQL queries using the gql tag function:

import { gql } from ‘graphql-tag’;

export const GET_MY_DATA = gql`
query GetMyData {
getMyData {

Use AWS AppSync client to execute GraphQL queries:

import AppSyncClient from ‘./AppSyncClient’;
import { GET_MY_DATA } from ‘./queries’;

const fetchData = async () => {
try {
const result = await AppSyncClient.query({ query: GET_MY_DATA });
} catch (error) {
console.error(‘Error fetching data:’, error);

export default fetchData;

Calling GraphQL in React Components and Using the Response:

Import GraphQL query and fetchData function into a React component:

import React, { useEffect, useState } from ‘react’;
import fetchData from ‘./fetchData’;
import { GET_MY_DATA } from ‘./queries’;

const MyComponent = () => {
const [data, setData] = useState(null);

useEffect(() => {
const fetchDataAndSetState = async () => {
const response = await fetchData();
}, []);

return (
{data && (
{ => (
<li key={}>{}: {}</li>

export default MyComponent;

Common pitfalls and challenges

Integrating React with GraphQL can be a smooth process, but there are some common pitfalls and challenges that developers may encounter. Here are some common gotchas to be aware of when integrating React and GraphQL:

  1. Data Overfetching or Underfetching: GraphQL allows clients to request only the data they need, but it’s important to ensure that queries are optimized to avoid overfetching (retrieving unnecessary data) or underfetching (not retrieving enough data). Be mindful of the fields requested in your GraphQL queries to optimize data fetching.
  2. Nesting Too Deeply: GraphQL supports nested queries, but nesting too deeply can lead to complex and inefficient queries. Keep your query depth shallow to improve performance and readability.
  3. Overusing Fragments: Fragments in GraphQL are useful for reusing query fields, but overusing them can lead to code duplication and maintenance issues. Use fragments judiciously and consider consolidating common fields into shared fragments.
  4. State Management: Managing the client-side state in a React application can become complex when integrating with GraphQL. Choose a state management solution (e.g., Redux, Apollo Client’s local state management) that works well with GraphQL and consider how to handle loading states, error states, and caching.
  5. Pagination: Implementing pagination with GraphQL can be tricky, especially when dealing with large datasets. Consider using cursor-based pagination or offset-based pagination and handle pagination logic carefully to avoid performance issues.
  6. Error Handling: GraphQL APIs return detailed error messages, but it’s essential to handle errors gracefully in your React components. Implement error boundaries, catch GraphQL errors, and provide meaningful error messages to users.
  7. Optimistic UI Updates: GraphQL mutations can be optimistic, meaning that they update the client-side UI optimistically before the server responds. However, handling optimistic UI updates correctly requires careful consideration of error handling and consistency with server data.
  8. Real-time Data: GraphQL subscriptions enable real-time data updates, but integrating real-time functionality into a React application requires additional considerations. Ensure that your GraphQL server supports subscriptions and choose an appropriate library for managing real-time data in React (e.g., Apollo Client’s subscriptions).
  9. Schema Changes: GraphQL schemas evolve over time as requirements change, but schema changes can impact existing client applications. Plan for schema evolution and implement versioning or backward compatibility strategies to handle schema changes gracefully.
  10. Performance Monitoring: Monitoring the performance of GraphQL queries and mutations is crucial for optimizing application performance. Use tools like Apollo Client DevTools or GraphQL query performance monitoring tools to identify and address performance bottlenecks.


Integrating React with GraphQL using AWS AppSync provides a powerful solution for building modern web applications. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can easily set up GraphQL APIs, query data, and utilize the response data in your React applications. Start integrating React with AWS AppSync today and experience the benefits of real-time data fetching and synchronization in your projects.