Article on SAP Configuration and Schema Mapping in Talend
Article on SAP Configuration and Schema Mapping in Talend  SAP Java Connector Configuration in Windows: 2.1 Overview: Before using SAP components, user must install SAP…

Article on SAP Configuration and Schema Mapping in Talend

 SAP Java Connector Configuration in Windows:

2.1 Overview:

Before using SAP components, user must install SAP Java connector. This article will explain how to 

install SAP Java connector into Talend Studio.

 2.2 Procedure:

  1.  Download the SAP Java connector

  • Talend Studio does not include the SAP Java connector (JCO), it is usually delivered by SAP provider.

  • User can also download it from the SAP Service Marketplace at any problem while

    obtaining it,then please check with authorized SAP Provider

  1.  Check SAP JCO version:

  • After downloading the SAP JCO or getting it from the authorized SAP provider, User must check that they have the appropriate distribution package on their system and processor, as follows.
  • Unzip the distribution package.

  • Open the installation guide page in browser: {SAP JCO-install-path}/javadoc/installation.html (or) {SAP JCO-install-path}/docs/jco/installation.html).
  • Read the SAP JCO installation guidance and check the appropriate distribution package on the system and processor.

  1.  Install SAP JCO:

  • Talend Studio 4.2.0 and earlier versions support SAP JCO2.1.8 / 2.1.9.

  • Talend Studio 4.2.0 and later versions support SAP JCO 3.0 and 2.1.8 / 2.1.9.

  • The following steps describe how to install a different version of the SAP JCO into Talend Studio on Windows XP SP3 32-bit with a 32-bit JRE running SAP JCO 3.X:
  • Unzip the appropriate distribution package into an arbitrary directory sapjco3.X.

  • Add sapjco3.x to the system PATH environment variable.

  • Open the directory sapjco3.x .Copy the two .dll files: librfc32.dll and sapjcorfc.dll, and paste them into “c: /windows/system32”.
  • In Talend Studio, install sapjco3.x /sapjco.jar, as follows:

a. Click Window in the toolbar, then click Show view, and finally click Talend

open the Modules viewer if it does not appear.

b. Click the icon as shown in the following figure to install the sapjco.jar 

required for the sap components. In the next window, browse to sapjco3.x/sapjco.jar.

                                  c. Restart Talend Studio.              

3.SAP Java Connector Configuration in Linux:

3.1 Overview:

Before using SAP components, user must install SAP Java connector. This article will explain how to install sap java connector into Talend Studio.

 3.2 Procedure:

  1.  Download the SAP Java connector

  • Talend Studio does not include the SAP Java connector (JCO), it is usually delivered by SAP provider.

  • User can also download it from the SAP Service Marketplace at If any problem while obtaining it, then please check with authorized SAP provider.
  1.  Check SAP JCO version:

  • After downloading the SAP JCO or getting it from the authorized SAP provider, User must check that they have the

    appropriate distribution package on their system and processor, as follows:

  • Unzip the distribution package.

  • Open the installation guide page in browser: {SAP JCO-install-path}/javadoc/installation.html (or) {SAP JCO-install-path}/docs/jco/installation.html).
  • Read the SAP JCO installation guidance and check the appropriate distribution package on the system and processor.

  1. Installing SAP JCo on Linux:


1. In Talend Studio, install “sapjco3.jar” file into directory “TOSESB\Studio\lib\java\”

2. Copy “”(it depends on system 32/64bits) file in /usr/lib folder.

Make sure it has read/execute permissions.

4. Establishing the SAP Connection using tSAPConnection :

SAP Connection:

  1. Load the component from the palette and double click on it and configure the connection details as below.

  • Client: client id.

  • Userid: user for the connection. User should have access and execute permissions.

  • Password: password.

  • Language: language switching.

  • Host Name: SAP host name.

  • System Number: SAP server system number (usually the 00 where there is only one server).

  • Function name: Name of the function.

  1. SAP Connection from the Metadata:

1. Go to repository -> Metadata section and right click on SAP connections ->create sap connection.

2. Give appropriate name for the connection and click on next button will show the connection parameters screen.

Enter all the required details as mentioned in the screen below.

3. If the connection configuration is done then click on check button to verify the connection status.

4. If all the details are configured correctly then it will show “Connection successful” message else it will show “Connection failure”.

5. Schema Mapping with tSAPInput:

Example usage with RFC_READ_TABLE function:

1. Drop the tSAPInput component from the palette.

2. FunName: Give the required function name that we want to read the data from.

3. Go to Initialize input section and click on plus(+) symbol to add parameters like below.

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