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CAS Installation on Tomcat over HTTPS

CAS Installation on Tomcat over HTTPS

CAS (Central Authentication Service) is an single sign on enterprise solution protocol for web services. It aims to provide better way for permitting a user access multitude of web services each having its own means of authoritative. When the client visits an...
How to install Resque Dashboard application

How to install Resque Dashboard application

A Rails based front-end to the Rescue job queue system. Step 1: Create Gemfile with following entries and save gem ‘resque’ gem ‘resque-web’ , require: ‘resque_web’ Step 2: Run below command to install from Gemfile. Note : you...
Server Exploitations what need to be done after it?

Server Exploitations what need to be done after it?

DDOS: In computing, a denialofservice (DoS) or distributed denialofservice (DDoS) attack is an attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users. A DoS attack generally consists of efforts to temporarily or indefinitely interrupt or...
Importance of WordPress CMS

Importance of WordPress CMS

What is CMS? For those who are new to the entire web application concept, here is a little briefing regarding CMS.CMS short for Content Management System is a software implemented as a web application for creating and managing HTML content. CMS basically includes...
Best WordPress Plugins

Best WordPress Plugins

There are thousand of different plugins out there and new plugins come out everyday. Each have their own functions and purposes. Below are the best WordPress Plugins: All in One SEO Pack : If you are a newbie for SEO (Search Engine Optimization), this is a good one to...