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How to set default invoicing control method in Odoo

How to set default invoicing control method in Odoo

You can configure the time of purchase invoice generation by navigating to the below form and apply the changes. This gives user the flexibility to create invoice based on incoming shipment received or Invoice based on purchase order or invoice based on purchase order...
How to manage supplier pricelist in odoo

How to manage supplier pricelist in odoo

From Sales menu navigate to Price lists and go to advanced filter from top right icon with Price list type is Purchase price list. These pricelist you can use again in regards to purchase order transactions. Generally companies who gets through supplier selection...
How to manage real price and average price in odoo

How to manage real price and average price in odoo

To enable costing method for products such as real costing and average costing, we need to enable the feature checkbox available in the below screenshot. Navigate to the form from Settings>> General settings>> Purchases and apply the changes....
Create multiple levels of approvals in odoo

Create multiple levels of approvals in odoo

To enable multiple level of approval for purchase order confirmation we need to check the feature as TRUE and apply. Navigate to Settings>> General settings>> Purchase Ideally when there are more than one decision makers involved for purchase order...