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Movie Lists with AppSync GraphQL

Movie Lists with AppSync GraphQL

Introduction: AppSync GraphQL is a powerful service provided by AWS that enables developers to build scalable and real-time applications with GraphQL APIs. This article series dives deep into creating, updating, deleting, and fetching movie lists using AppSync GraphQL...
Deleting Movie Lists with AppSync GraphQL and VTL(Part -3)

Deleting Movie Lists with AppSync GraphQL and VTL(Part -3)

Explore previous articles in this series by clicking here. Creating Movie Lists with AppSync GraphQL and VTL(Part -1) Updating Movie Lists with AppSync GraphQL and VTL(Part -2) Introduction: AppSync, an AWS service, enables you to build real-time and scalable...
Updating Movie Lists with AppSync GraphQL and VTL(Part -2)

Updating Movie Lists with AppSync GraphQL and VTL(Part -2)

Explore previous articles in this series by clicking here. Creating Movie Lists with AppSync GraphQL and VTL(Part -1) Introduction: AppSync is a powerful service provided by AWS that allows you to build scalable and real-time applications with GraphQL. In this...
Creating Movie Lists with AppSync GraphQL and VTL(Part -1)

Creating Movie Lists with AppSync GraphQL and VTL(Part -1)

Introduction: AppSync is a powerful service provided by AWS that allows you to build scalable and real-time applications with GraphQL. In this article, we’ll explore how to use AppSync and VTL (Velocity Template Language) to create movie lists in a serverless...